ISTANBUL – An action was held in front of the Peruvian Consulate in Istanbul to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo (Abimael Guzmán Reynoso), who has been kept in isolation at a military naval base by the fascist Peruvian state since he was imprisoned in 1992, and whose health problems worsened. In the action carried out by our newspaper New Democracy and Partizan at 13.00 today, a call was made to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo and the Peruvian state was protested.
In the demonstration held in front of the Koza Plaza, where the Peruvian consulate is located, in Esenler, Istanbul, banners and slogans in the name of Partizan and New Democracy were displayed in three different languages and slogans were highlighted “Let’s Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo”, “Freedom for President Gonzalo, Leader of the Peruvian Proletariat”, “Long Live the People’s War”.
A statement was also made in the action where slogans such as “Down with the Fascist Peruvian State” and “Long live the People’s War” were shouted. In the statement which stated that the fascist Peruvian state, the servant of American imperialism, captured Chairman Gonzalo 29 years ago with a special operation, and the isolation and oppression continued throughout these years, it was emphasized that Gonzalo’s health problems worsened and he wanted to be murdered. Gonzalo, as the leader of the Peruvian proletariat and the Peruvian people’s war, instilled fear in the ruling classes, especially the Peruvian state and US imperialism, it was stated that although he had suffered a heart attack before, his conditions were aggravated. The statement also mentioned the importance of Gonzalo in the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideology, and stated that the attacks against him were futile, and that no power could stand in the way of the just wars of the proletariat and the oppressed.
Despite the efforts of the plaza security, the statement made lastly called for the Peruvian state to end the fascist practices on Gonzalo, for the release of Gonzalo and the revolutionary prisoners, and emphasized solidarity. The action to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo was ended by saying “Long Live Proletarian Internationalism” and “Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism”.