NEWS CENTER- In a written statement, the European Union of Migrant Workers (AGEB) defended the freedom of President Gonzalo (Abimael Guzman), the leader of the Peruvian Communist Party (PKP), who has been held captive in isolation since 1992.
The statement made by AGEB is as follows:
The leader of the Communist Party of Peru, President Gonzalo, has been in captivity under heavy isolation since September 12, 1992.
“Let’s Defend Chairman Gonzalo’s Life!” initiated by international Maoist parties and organizations for Chairman Gonzalo, whose isolation conditions continue despite his advancing age and serious health problems, solidarity events are being organized in various centers of Europe due to its sloganed campaign.
As AGEB, we shout the slogan of freedom to Chairman Gonzalo and stating that we will continue to take part in the events to be held and continue to maintain international revolutionary solidarity.
Let’s Defend Chairman Gonzalo’s Life!
Freedom for Chairman Gonzalo!”